
rajasthan gk in english-NORTHEAST FLOWING RIVER SYSTEM

THE CHAMBAL  ➤  The Chambal or the ancient Charmavathi is the only large and perennial river of the northeast flowing system and forms the largest river basin in Rajasthan. ➤  It takes its birth at an elevation of about 850 m above mean sea level in the heart of India near Manpur among the Vindhyas […]

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rajasthan gk in english:River System and Water Resources of Rajasthan

RIVER SYSTEM AND WATER RESOURCES  River System The drainage system of the northern sub-continent of India has been divided by the Aravali range, one flowing towards the Bay of Bengal and the other towards the Arabian sea. In Rajasthan, the Aravalis form the important watershed. They also provide effective catchment for the rivers originating from

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rajasthan gk in english:Ravines of Rajasthan

Ravines of Rajasthan  Ravines form a significant topographical feature of the Chambal valley and the most serious surfacial problem of the area. It is felt that unscientific land practices and dissection of the older river terraces by gullying process, perhaps due to neo-tectonic upliftment, contribute simultaneously to the formation of ravines which are present in

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rajasthan gk in english:Desert of Rajasthan

Desert of Rajasthan  Rajasthan is the only state in India which has within its territory a true hot desert. There are arid and semi-arid regions covering eleven western districts of the state characterised by preponderance of evaporation over precipitation, sparsed and restricted vegetational growth, extremes of daily and seasonal temperatures, prevalence of meagre inland drainage

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rajasthan gk in english:Plains of Rajasthan Part-2

Plains of Rajasthan (Part-2) HARAUTI PLAIN A triangular alluvial plain made by the Chambal River and its tributaries covers large part of Kota and about one-third of Bundi district. It is a very good example of homogenous topography. It is the heart land of Harauti a rich granary and is named as Harauti Plain The

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rajasthan gk in english:Plains of Rajasthan Part-1

Plains of Rajasthan (Part-1) There are several plains in Rajasthan and unlike the Great Plain of India, each one of them varies in physical characteristics. They are : 1. Sandy Arid Plain or Marusthali, 2. Luni Basin or Godwar Tract, 3. Plain of Interior Drainage or Shekhawati Tract (Bagar), 4. Banas Plain, 5. Bharatpur Plain,

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rajasthan gk in english:Plateaus of Rajasthan

Plateaus of Rajasthan HARAUTI PLATEAU        This plateau in Rajasthan covers the eastern part along the Chambal River including Kota-Bundi section. It is bounded in the northwest by the Great Boundary Fault of the Aravalis and extends eastward across the Rajasthan border till one comes across the sharply defined scarp overlooking Bundellkhand.  

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rajasthan gk in english:hills of rajasthan

Hills of Rajasthan The Aravali range has been considered to be perhaps the oldest mountain range of the world. This has been ascertained by the absence of any fossiliferous rock in this range. It intersects the State diagonally from one end to the other. Their average height ranges from 400 meters to 900 meters with

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rajasthan gk notes in english: natural division of Rajasthan

Natural Divisions Physiographically Rajasthan can be divided into four main divisions. Each one of them is further divided into two sub-divisions as follows : 1. Western Sandy Plains : (a) Sandy Arid Plains (Marusthali) (b) Semi-Arid Transitional Plains (Rajasthan Hagar) 2. Aravali Range and Hilly Region : (a) Aravali Range and Bhorat Plateau (b) North-estern

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rajasthan gk notes in english: origin, location and topography

Rajasthan: Origin of the name  The State of Rajasthan, before its formation consisted of 19 princely States, the centrally administered territory of Ajmer-Merwara and two chiefships. The entire territory was then known as Rajputana. After integration, the territory came to be known as Rajasthan.  Location of Rajasthan It extends from 23° 03′ 30′ to 30°

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